Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Trip to the ER

Last night at about 8:15 I had a really bad headache. My dad told me I should take some Excederin because that usually helps his headaches go away faster. I did what he said but within 5 minutes I was really hot and swelling up with hives. It started in my head and worked down. After a while it started getting really hard for me to breathe. kinda scary in my opinion... after we got to the emergency room the wait was long. I was improving a little so dad wanted to just leave, but I was still bad enough he decided not to. I finally got admitted at about 9 but then another wait took a little while. Eventually I saw the doctor but by the time we left it was 9:30. We went to Harmon's and got 3 prescriptions filled and then just went home. Gotta love those trips to the ER. Not. :)


  1. Oh, that's awful! I can so relate to that story. We did the same thing when I had my really bad allergic reaction. You couldn't even see any white skin on my body and I was all puffed up. Not to mention I was unconscious right before we had gone in. You would think they would want to get you back as soon as they could, but I think they like seeing how long you can hold out in the waiting room. "I know your arms are broken, but I'm going to need you to fill out theses forms please." The E.R. SUCKS! Glad you're okay!

  2. I'm glad it was nothing serious!
