Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Trip to the ER

Last night at about 8:15 I had a really bad headache. My dad told me I should take some Excederin because that usually helps his headaches go away faster. I did what he said but within 5 minutes I was really hot and swelling up with hives. It started in my head and worked down. After a while it started getting really hard for me to breathe. kinda scary in my opinion... after we got to the emergency room the wait was long. I was improving a little so dad wanted to just leave, but I was still bad enough he decided not to. I finally got admitted at about 9 but then another wait took a little while. Eventually I saw the doctor but by the time we left it was 9:30. We went to Harmon's and got 3 prescriptions filled and then just went home. Gotta love those trips to the ER. Not. :)